
Pondicherry, officially known as Puducherry, and commonly referred to as just Pondy, is one of the seven Union Territories of India. This former French colony is a perfect amalgamation of the traditional Indian sensibilities and French architecture, making it a dreamy escape that offers the best of both worlds. 


The streets of the French Quarter of Pondicherry, also known as White Town, are dotted with charming mustard-yellow colonial structures with bougainvillaea laden walls. These are interspersed with cosy cafes and chic boutiques that offer delectable French cuisine and beverages. Simply strolling down these streets, can give the traveller an insight into the fairytale charm of Pondicherry.

Come explore the boulevards and rues (the French word for streets) of the Pondicherry that will ultimately take you down to the gorgeous seaside promenade, where the Bay of Bengal playfully splashes the shores of the famous Rock beach.

Topped with authentic French bakeries, bohemian stores and cobble-stoned paths that are delightful for a leisurely stroll or bicycle ride, Pondicherry has a lot to offer. So head on down to this dream town of the Indian Coast and chug a few beers (at the Union Territory prices; bid adieu to state taxes) or just read a book in one of the quaint cafes.

Day 1 Arrival at Pondicherry
  • Check-in at hotel
  • Sightseeing locations - Auroville beach, Osudu Lake, Puducherry Museum
  • Overnight stay at hotel
Day 2 Pondicherry Sightseeing
  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Sightseeing locations - Promenade Beach, Serenity Beach, Mahatma Gandhi Statue, Rock fort, French War memorial, Botanical Garden, The Sacred Heart Basilica
  • Overnight stay at hotel
Day 1 Departure from Pondicherry
  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Check out from hotel
  • Sightseeing locations - Paradise Beach, Chunnambar Boat House, Arikamedu
  • Departure from puducherry to Chennai
  • CAR
  • 30 days or more before date of departure 25% of total cost.
  • 29-20 day before data of departure 50% of total cost.
  • 19 days or less before date of departure 100% of total cost.


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